Friday, December 11, 2015

Good Advice

She Got Out Early
she listen to her intuition 
Lady Gaga shared today how she was raped as a teenager. www.e! 11 Dec. 2015. Her story and stories like what your about to read will help other women and young girl from thinking it's their fault.
It was  a fall day in San Antonio Texas in the early eighties. Women had no domestic violence shelters, the cops were no help they were probably going home beating their wives. Women didn't tell the truth, she would tell the Nurse she she got the bruises when she fell down the stairs.  The Mormon Church made her think she was crazy. Church leaders were not allowed to council couples suffering from Domestic violence. The Elders forbid them from telling women to leave their husbands. She knew she was alone. She knew not to warn him she was leaving. Intuition and a felling in her gut said, she had to runaway this time he was going to kill her. She was seven feet of the ground on the end of his huge hands. He had just smeared her across the wall leaving a streak of red from her Red Velvet Blazer. She new her door was unlocked and she quickly ran down the stairs and asked a gentleman carrying groceries to take her to her brothers house, she said, Now! Thankfully she never looked Back she wasn't going that way. Disappearing under ground and never seeing or hearing from her abuser again? Yes, she listened to her inner voice and got out early. 
Thirty years later she was on a job site running a crew of men when The FBI called her. What, how did they find her on that remote build site? They wanted to know about her marriage to Richard  Stokley the special Agent was looking for leniency because he was on death row. How ironic She said, how did you know about that I had it annulled? She knew from going through the Police Academy what the Arizona FBI was after, the FBI was establishing a pattern of a killer who was trying to get off Death Row in Arizona. By the time they reached her They had already spoken to his wives. He left a trail of destruction. One wife fended him off by hitting him square in the head with a cast iron skillet. Two weeks earlier a series of unfortunate events plus Gods sense of humor had lead her to Some very gruesome details! Her brother was arrested for Domestic violence and that triggered her to look for her abuser. Where was he?  Was she safe? Her brothers family secret was out and she felt vulnerable. She though, where is Richard Stokley? She Googled him and found he didn't stop being violent. His crime was heinous and cruel. His  crime spree ended on minors. Read about it in the newspaper. 
She was safe because he was locked up behind bars. She used the information to council her brother. She explained, how the cycle of violence gets worse and more frequent as the years go by. Her brother learned for the first time what her life was like plus he didn't want to end up like Richard he never did stop the violence. Good new is that the Brother got professional help. Knowing the whole story it was fresh on his mind when FBI called this home looking for his Sister who was married to Richard Stokley he knew what to say. He told them she knew about it and gave them her number in the Tennessee mountains.
She finally had an opportunity to give Richard a message. She told the investigator, tell Richard to remember that the night Rick asked him to drive me home that when he pulled off a dirt road and had sex with me when I Was Blacked out was considered Rape! The investigator asked, why did you marry him. She said, it was years later when she was watching a story on the evening news about college students who were being charged with Sexual Battery because they had sex with college girls who were unconscious. That was her! Beside Back then if a girl had sex with a man they felt obligated to marry him. In this case it was never going to work they started off the relationship with sexual assault. She told the investigator, she always knew something wasn't right for example if you saw a photo of her before That night and then after that night she changed. Think about Lady Gaga Hindi g behind her costumes and makeup, like Elton John. Something happened to them. Her pictures showed her starring off into the abyss. That lead to years of thinking it was her fault and okay to rape the willing. Rape crisis gave her back her dignity along with passing the message to him. He got caught, but Who else did he murder and get away with it, she told the investigator to ask him. In the end the investigator brought his finding back to the jail cell Richard gave up fighting his fate and was executed twenty one years after he committed the crime he was caught for.
Yes, She counted her lucky stars she listened to her inner voice her intuition and got out early. In 2015 we have come a long way  Meat Head moving company moves women in Domestic violence situations and doesn't charge them.

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